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There exist global alliances of many of the Possibilitator Specialties:
Archan Shamans
The global alliance of Possibility Management Trainers is one of them. This is our website.Our Possibilitator Training Specialty is 'Possibility Management Trainer'.
This is our service to the village.
Possibility Management Trainers share the Tools, Thoughtmaps, Distinctions, and Processes of Possibility Management through Expand The Box trainings, Possibility Labs, and Trainer Path Labs.
Since a Trainer's training never ends, Possibility Management Trainers are active members of Trainer Path.
This PM Trainers website has been assembled to help inform and empower anyone whose Archiarchal Specialty is to become an Expand The Box Trainer as well as newly-forming local Trainer Circles during their journey of coming together and flaming on.We invite you to regard this website more like an information-rich Handbook than a mere website.
...about the gameworld of Possibility Management Trainers.
At all times there are at least two spaceholders for the global alliance of Possibility Management Trainers. At this time the spaceholders are:
Tel: +49 176 325 053 82
Email: info at corneliusbutz dot de
Clinton Callahan
Tel: +49 1629108208 (Telegram)
Email: clinton at nextculture dot orgTel: +6285971612991 (Telegram)
Email: annechloe dot destremau at gmail dot com
Tel: +64 204 087 7083
Email: hello at ananorambuena dot com
For inquiry for Trainers to deliver an Expand The Box Training or a Possibility Lab in your area, please contact:
Tel: +41 78 892 8201
Email: georg at harbigarr dot ch
Each Possibility Management Trainer develops their own training gameworld and their own Circle of people to which they deliver Possibility Management Trainings and their other services.
All Possibility Management documentation of thoughtmaps, distinctions, processes including all the materials of Expand The Box Trainings and Possibility Labs are copyleft, protected under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Meaning anyone can take it, use it in your own WorkTalk, Workshops, articles, podcasts, videos, or healing contexts provided that you name Possibility Management as the source. The work of Possibility Management is not copyrighted now and cannot be copyrighted in the future.
However, this does not mean that there is no Guardianship for the whole gameworld of Possibility Management or for the Trainer Path. On the contrary. Because the initiatory material and processes delivered in Expand The Box Trainings and Possibility Lab emerges from the context of Radical Responsibility, the Possibility Management Trainer Path ensures that PM Trainers can - in reality, not in theory - deliver them from that context and not from their mind or for other hidden purpose.
The copyleft attribution also means that Possibility Management Trainers do not pay any contribution to the gameworld of Possibility Management itself or to any other Trainer or Trainer Trainer.
Find all upcoming Expand The Box Trainings
and Possibility Labs
on the Calendar page of
A PM Trainer is first and foremost an Expand The Box Trainer. A PM Trainer delivers at least one Expand The Box Training per year.
Some Expand The Box Trainers discover that part of their Archiarchal Specialty is also to deliver Possibility Labs. An Expand The Box Training and a Possibility Lab are different in the quality, depth and skills needed for their delivery. After the appropriate training, these Expand The Box Trainers become Certified Lab Trainers. A Lab Trainer in addition to delivering at least one Expand The Box Training per year, delivers at least one Possibility Lab per year.
And then, some Lab Trainers discover that part of their Archiarchal Specialty is to train the next generation of Possibility Management Trainers. After another specific and dedicated training period, these Lab Trainers become Certified Trainer Trainers, who in addition to ongoingly delivering Expand The Box Trainings and Possibility Labs, hold space for Trainer Path meetings, Possibilitator Training meetings, and deliver Trainer Path Labs.
All Possibility Management Trainers are active members of the Trainer Path. In addition, the next generation of Possibility Management Trainers are also on the Trainer Path. When someone enters the Possibilitator Trainer Path Specialty, they are already on the Trainer Path. When it becomes obvious that they are ready to participate to some degree or another in collaboratively holding space with a Certified Expand The Box Trainer, then they become Apprentice Expand The Box Trainer. When they successfully deliver a Practice Expand The Box Training, they become a Certified Expand The Box Trainer.
Your Expand The Box Trainers
Here are your Expand The Box Trainers!
Benjamin Pollitt
Cornelius Butz
Felix Fulda
Tanja Gerold
Inactive Expand The Box Trainers
These Expand The Box trainers have not delivered an Expand The Box training
during the previous year or more. To become an active Expand The Box training again includes delivering a new Practice Expand The Box training with someone from the Possibility Management Infinity Ring Trainer Path Node.
Klaus 'Odjo' Strese
(died 2023)
Kristina Lindahl
Laura Kaestela
Markus Rust
Martina 'Thora' Unger
Seline Fehr
Sonia Willaredt
Expand The Box 'Apprentice Trainers'
These new 'Apprentice ETB Trainers' participate in Expand The Box trainings as part of their Possibilitator Trainer Path Specialty, preparing to deliver their solo Practice Expand The Box .
Their Handbook for this part of their Path is
Devin Gleeson
Jesse Eustis
Tristan Girdwood
What is Expand The Box Training?
That question is best answered on the Expand The Box website.
And in short, Expand The Box is a three-to-five-day rapid learning environment.
The Box is your childhood Survival Strategy, your cocoon, your chrysalis, the safe place where you can mature until you build enough Matrix in your Being to responsibly begin your Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes.
This is what happens in Expand The Box.
Adulthood Initiations have no end... but they do have a beginning:
the moment you set foot onto the archetypal evolutionary Path.
Your Possibility Lab Trainers
Delivering Possibility Labs, Possibility Village Labs and other specialty Labs such as:
Women of Earth Lab,
Men's Lab,
Women's Outdoor Lab,
Feelings Practitioner Lab (and Core-Training)
Gameworld Builder Lab
Intimacy Journeyers Lab and
Heal From School Lab
Lab 'Apprentice Trainers'
These new 'Apprentice Lab Trainers' participate in Trainer Path meetings, deliver Expand The Box Trainings, and join Possibility Labs from other Certified Trainer, as well as a million other pratices necessary to build the matrix needed to make the leap between being an Expand The Box Trainer and a Lab Trainer.
Their Handbook for this part of their Path is
What is a Possibility Lab?
That question is best answered on the Possibility Labs website.
In short...
From a Participant's perspective, there are as many ways to describe Possibility Lab as there are participants. Every PLab is unique, and does not rely on a pre-designed 'class curriculum' of what you 'should know'. Instead, PLabs deliver what you can hold and use where you are on your Path right now, with flexibility to provide whatever you need for your next steps.
From the Possibility Lab Trainer's perspective, a Possibility Lab is a 4-5 day Healing, Initiatory, and transformation space in the Radical Responsibility Context of Possibility Management. The purpose of Possibility Lab is to Build Matrix in your Being so that your evolution happens naturally and easefully. During Possibility Labs you step-by-step activate your beneficial potentials to do what you came here to do in terms of creating the global culture-shift from Patriarchy to Archiarchy.
Possibility Management Trainer-Trainers
If the Possibilitator Training - Trainer Path Specialty Spaceholders propose that a Possibilitator who has the Possibility Trainer Specialty is ready to become an Expand The Box Apprentice Trainer,
then the ETB Apprentice Trainer proceeds to participate in 10 or more ADDITIONAL Expand The Box Trainings
with various ETB Trainers around the world as an Apprentice ETB Trainer.
Each Expand The Box Trainer gives the ETB Apprentice Trainer a wide variety of challenges and experiments to do, both inside and outside of Expand The Box Trainings.
If the challenges and experiments are well met,
and enough Matrix,
Nonlinear Space Navigation Skill,
Unreasonable Creation Force,
and Conscious Assholeness
is activated in the Expand The Box Apprentice Trainer,
the Expand The Box Apprentice Trainer is well connected with the other Trainers in the Trainer Path,
it is possible
but not guaranteed
that the POSSIBILITY MANAGEMENT TRAINER GUILD INFINITY RING TRAINER-TRAINER NODE will inform the ETB Apprentice Trainer that they are ready to deliver their Practice Expand The Box Training.
Shown below are the Possibility Lab Trainers who are currently qualified (2024) by the POSSIBILITY MANAGEMENT TRAINER GUILD INFINITY RING TRAINER-TRAINER NODE to sit at an Apprentice's Practice Expand The Box Training.
(NOTE: If you are currently an Expand The Box Trainer delivering Expand The Box Trainings,
and you are dedicated to spending a measurable amount of you time, energy, attention, and love to heal and unleash new Expand The Box Trainers,
please write to clinton at nextculture dot org. We would love to welcome you on our Team!)
Ana Norambuena
Anne-Chloé Destremau
Clinton Callahan
Trainer-Trainer 'Apprentices'
It is a rare Specialty to be the one to train Trainers and even more rare to trainer Trainer Trainers.
Here are the Apprentices.
Their Handbook for this part of their Path is
Trainer Pathers
Since the evolutionary Path has no top end, Possibility Management Trainers remain on the Trainer Path their whole lives.
The Possibilitators shown below are members of the Trainer Path Possibilitator Specialty developing their Trainer Skills during Possibilitator Trainings and Trainer Path Calls and meetings.
There are so many dynamic environments in which to build Trainer agency, such as Rage Club, Rage Club Spaceholder Training, Fear Club, Fear Club Spaceholder Training, WorkTalks, Workshops, Possibility Coaching, Gremlin Transformation, Decontaminations, 3Cells, S.P.A.R.K. Experiment Groups, Study Groups, and your weekly Possibility Team.
New Expand The Box Trainers are needed around the world now, more than ever before.
If being an Expand The Box Trainer seems exciting to you, please get into Possibilitator Training and explore the Trainer Path Specialty.
Ana Norambuena
Anne-Chloé Destremau
Clinton Callahan
Cornelius Butz
Daway Chou-Ren
Devin Gleeson
Eva Daubert
Jesse Eustis
Lisa Ommert
Luís Trindade
Markus Bork
Patricio Diaz
Sónia Maia Gonçalves
Sophia Wegele
Tanja Gerold
Tristan Girdwood
Vera Luísa Franco
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How Is It To Be Part Of The Global Alliance of PM Trainers?
a community of practice...
It is no small thing to Take A Stand to be a Possibility Management Trainer. There is so much to be aware of and for which to be skillfully responsible.
Our biggest claim to togetherness is that we are really good friends, the best kind of friends you could ever want.
At the same time, we are adventurous creators trying new things together for the benefit of others.
For example, Michael Pörtner, Michael Hallinger and Dagmar Thürnagel just returned from delivering the first ever Expand The Box trainings in Australia, and Anna Norambeuna with Julia Neumann from New Zealand and Maciek Antkowiak from Poland just took a stand to be spaceholders for developing local Trainer Circles in their respective countries. Lisa Kuchenmeister communicates problems and possibilities between the Trainer Torus and our website developers. Anne-Chloé Destremau was recently teaching carrot-breaking to the youth at Demokratische Stimme der Jugend during a MoveLab with Clinton Callahan, and Katharina Kaifler and Georg Pollitt just delivered an ETB and PLab in Oregon, USA, to New Culture people, and right this minute Patrizia Patz and Michaela Kaiser and Michael Pörtner are downstairs delivering a Trainer Skills Lab to a dozen enthusiastic new Trainer-types (except for the guy in a Liquid State, barfing and shivering on the couch by the fireplace...) ...these are Trainer Path people in the Trainer Guild.
What Do Possibility Management Trainers Do?
an archetypal lineage...
Centuries ago, in the 'bad old days', there were a number of professions that everyone knew about and called upon to handle problems that no other professionals were trained to handle. Longstanding feuds raged on between neighbors, cows had trouble giving birth, people could not express their deep love to each other, arguments and fights erupted in personal and business relationships, emotional and psychological breakdowns ripped people's lives to shreds, illnesses wouldn't heal, and youth desperately wanted to become adult in a culture that is vastly different from the one they were born and raised in. The evolution of consciousness was not well supported by the religions, nor was it understood in the educational system as a crucial element of a healthy human society, nor was it regarded well by government officials. All of this together meant that the transformational and nonlinear-healing professions were quite busy serving their villages without anyone else quite knowing what they were doing.
Then the Catholic Inquisitors came along and the witch burnings started. This was a nasty 800-year-long turn of events for the edgeworkers (before 1100 to about 1870).
What we have discovered in Possibility Management is that burning a witch does not end his or her career. It only postpones it a little.
Declaring that alchemy is blasphemy, or that upgrading from Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) is 'the devil's work', or that having direct personal connections with Bright Principles or the Earth Coincidence Control Office (E.C.C.O.) is heretical, does not stop the alchemists, sorceresses, shamans, healers, researchers, wizards, and Possibilitators forever. It just delays the wealth of new understanding and Possibilities they discover from spreading around.
These days, in the modern capitalistic patriarchal empire... with smart phones... the situation is only a little better.
The part that is better is the lack of witch burnings.
This means that all of you who decided never to come back and challenge the status quo again for fear the 'Gremlin authorities' would catch you and burn you and your house and your children... again... you can come out from hiding now. It is safe to get back to work.
We need you.
It's time to keep serving the world at its heart center, researching the fringes, providing adventurous transformational services in areas most important to a truly human life. This is what Possibility Trainers do.
How can I create an Expand The Box training in my area?
a wildly interesting question...
...with a very clear answer.
Please find a complete support program for creating an Expand The Box training in your area at this dedicated website:
Please let us know what else we can do to support you.
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code PMTRAINR.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on Thank you for playing full out!
One step after the other over the nothingness...